Tuesday Masses: An Opportunity to Grow Closer Together

1221 (2)St. Rose holds Tuesday morning Masses to bring together homerooms, clubs, and teams. The Masses take place at 7:45 a.m. in the chapel or church and are led by Sister Eileen and Father Walter.   The Mass is usually finished just in time for the first class of the day. Despite the brevity of the Mass, the clubs and teams get an opportunity to become closer to God at as a community with other St. Rose students. Mass helps students get away from their stressful lives and celebrate with the greatest gift that God has given us, each other. They are a great opportunity to start the day off in a spiritual manner and remind members why they participate in their respective organizations. The Gospel readings are read by students who volunteer to help out in the Mass. Students show respect towards the celebration of Mass, the Eucharist, and the importance of attending these important occasions. At the culmination of Mass, Father blesses all of the team and club members and wishes them luck as the school year progresses.

Sister Eileen has put forth so much work and effort towards the Masses. “Your clubs and sports teams are not only places of accomplishment or displaying of talent. They are communities,” stated Sister Eileen, “Bringing out team and/or club mates together in Mass helps us to accept each other despite our shortcomings and failures.” The Masses help each team and grow closer as a unit, and grow closer to God. “Just like team practices or club meetings, coming together in Mass helps these groups to grow stronger in faith by addressing their weaknesses and assessing their strengths,” Sister continued. Students should accept each opportunity that they have to attend these masses. Sister Eileen concludes with, “Why turn down a personal encounter with Jesus and his friends-your friends- the Church when the chance is provided?”

Students have a strong understanding of how important Mass is. “This year I have attended Tuesday Mass twice for both softball and my publications class,” says senior Brianna McCarron. “I enjoy morning masses because they give clubs and sports teams the chance to gather and celebrate our faith.” Students should understand that each Mass attended, is another chance to thank God for all he has done for the world. Mass can also be an escape from the pressures that are often associated with the stress that a particular club or team can instill on an individual.

Mass is a sacred and important aspect of our faith. It is a privilege to be able to incorporate Mass with St. Rose’s activities. It brings students closer together and reminds everyone that God is always there whenever needed. Catholic faith is necessary for all aspects of life and he created everything and sacrificed everything for mankind.

By Jeff Mahon ’16

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