Kairos XLIII

Kairos is a retreat held at the Marianist Retreat Center in Cape May, New Jersey. Students spend four technology-free days learning more about themselves and how to strengthen their relationship with God.

There are three sessions in which the students have the opportunity to attend: October, February, and May. The fall and winter sessions are for seniors only, however in the spring, juniors who are chosen by the faculty are invited to attend the life-changing experience, along with the seniors.

This fall, nineteen students attended Kairos XLIII along with their leaders Sister Kathleen, Mr. Devaney, Mrs. Pfister-Brown, Mr. Petrillo, and Father Walter. Although the students and faculty who attend change with the season, Kairos is always guaranteed to have an extraordinary effect on an individual.

I attended this past Kairos and it has changed my outlook on many aspects in my life. Due to the confidentiality of the events that occur on Kairos, I cannot speak of how or why I see the world in a different light. However, the element of surprise that occurred each day as I participated in the different events deepened my experience. I truly believe that I have been changed for the better and I encourage everyone to take the opportunity that is being given to them to change their lives, as well.

show_imgMany people shared their experience on how Kairos affected them: Julia Swanson said, “Kairos was truly magical. I discovered things about myself that I never knew before. It really makes you realize how much of life is taken for granted. After this experience, I am aware of how much I am loved and I have a new confidence about myself.” Alex Phipps shared, “It made me feel like a new person. I feel so renewed and ready to start building a better relationship with God.” Lastly Sophia Tagliamonte said, “I am so grateful for this experience and those I spent it with. I made relationships with people I would have never expected. I wouldn’t trade the memories for the world.”

Kairos is a time of self-reflection and honesty. It is a time where no one cares about looks, or the typical high school drama. At Kairos, all is forgotten and the main focus is on yourself and on God.

By: Julia Renna ’17


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