Studying Tips

As the holidays approach, excitement fills the halls along with the decorations.  However, don’t let this distract you from academics.  Although it may be hard, studying is the way to success.  Here are some tips on how to succeed while studying.

First, a new learning technique called “spaced repetition” involves breaking up information into small chunks and reviewing them consistently over a long period of time.  So don’t try to memorize the entire periodic table in one sitting—instead learn a few rows every day and review each lesson before starting anything new.  Also, research suggests studying the same information in a different place every day makes us less likely to forget that information.  Every time we move around (from the library to the coffee shop or the coffee shop to your living room), we force the brain to form new associations with the same material so it becomes a stronger memory.

Thirdly, quizzing yourselves may be one of the best ways to prepare for the actual test or quiz.  The harder it is to remember a piece of information in practice mode, the more likely we are to remember it in the future.  Finally, research suggests we store information more securely when we write it out by hand than when we type it. Start by recopying the most important notes from the semester onto a new sheet of paper.

Stay focus everyone and good luck!

By Emily Brown ’18

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