Starting Semester 2

Going into the second semester comes with so many advantages for each and every student! Half of the school year is complete and only a few months are left to prove ourselves and bring our work ethic into full swing. Because we know what to expect from many classes and different teachers, we are officially settled in and prepared for anything that comes at us. Although the year is coming to an end so soon, giving up and letting go of grades is not how you want this next semester to go. It is just as important as the first, if not more, especially because more difficult material will be brought upon us. There are so many ways to prepare for these next few months to ensure a successful end to a great year!

Organization is key for an easier homework and note process. Set aside everything from September to midterms and create all new sections and folders for the next semester. Never get rid of past stuff, just keep it separate from all the new and upcoming notes and handouts. This allows for less clutter and an easier way to find each thing. By taking neat and detailed notes, you will come to find studying and homework to be a lot easier.

The year isn’t over yet, so continue to study and put in the hard work. Especially underclassmen, these grades matter most for your future years. The second semester gives you opportunity to bring up any grades that may have been low, or continue to maintain grades you are proud of. Some study tools to help this may be making a quizlet with class notes, highlighting anything important as you learn a lesson, or even getting with friends and creating study groups. Senior Katherine Flynn says, “I prepare for second semester by planning out my schedule and just making sure I leave enough time to do my homework and study.” The time you put in now will be so worth it when you’re going into summer with the best grades.

Because you are used to coming to school each day, learning from the same teachers, semester two gives you the perfect opportunity to succeed with a fresh start, due to finally being settled in. Create all new sections in your books, take the best notes, and work out your time management to ensure a successful semester. It will be so worth it in the end, when you can use all those tools for finals. The year is almost over, but don’t give up yet! Cross the finish line with all the hard work you possibly can!


By Brittany Lopes ’18

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