Becoming More Involved in School

In order to begin your journey towards greatness as Saint Rose High School, you must begin with joining as many activities as you possibly can! Saint Rose High School surely does provide students with many different sports, clubs, and organizations to be involved in! Whether you are athletic, artistic, intelligent, or simply eager to meet new people, Saint Rose High School has the perfect group for you!

As for sports, Saint Rose High School provides their students with almost every single sport you can possibly think of. We have a variation of fall, winter, and spring sports throughout the entire school year. Especially as an incoming freshman, you have the perfect opportunity to join a new sport and meet new people! For instance, if you are considering joining a fall sport you will most likely meet people on your team and practice before the school year even starts. All of the teams are extremely welcoming and the coaches are eager to teach you the rules of each game. So if you are nervous to try something new because you don’t know much about it, don’t be! You are there to learn and gain knowledge, while simultaneously making friends for life!

If you are not very athletic, there are definitely other options for you. Whether it is finding groups of your own interests or participating in different organizations and clubs, there is a fit for you. Some of the clubs and organizations at Saint Rose High School include art clubs, national honors society, ambassadors, student council, as well as a variation of other interests. It is very important to become involved in different groups especially as a freshman to meet fellow classmates and develop an outstanding transcript for when you apply to college in a few years! Dara Johnson, Saint Rose High School Senior, mentioned, “One of my best decisions here, at Saint Rose High School, was to become involved in different sports and clubs. I feel as though it really helped me meet new people and also helped me in the long run, while I was applying for colleges and filling out applications!”

Therefore, Saint Rose High School encourages all students to become involved, to not only help themselves, but to ensure a productive future!  When you are notified for club and sports team sign-ups, don’t be shy! Definitely try something new because you never know what you might have interest in and your high school years are a great time to figure that out!

By Madison Kinnevy ’18

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